•Dead Poets Society -
My favorite DPS site
Gale Hansen
•IMDb Gale Hansen -
The Internet Movie Database entry for Gale Hansen
•Class of 96 Episode Guide -
Episode Guide for the last TV Show Gale was in.
Josh Charles
•JOSH CHARLES: MISSING LINKS - A really great site for Josh!!
•Josh Charles Fan Page - A small page on Josh, has potential but not much yet.
•Crossing Knox: Deconstructing Josh Charles - fan site
•Locality: Sports Night
•SportsNight Fan Page
•Meeting Daddy - a little bit on a film Josh did.
•Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead - a section of a Christina Applegate site, has a pic of Josh.
•Sundance Festival - a little blurb on Josh's flick Pie in the Sky
•SportsNight - ABC's official site for the new comedy Josh is in
•SportsNight Cast Bios Josh Charles - A direct link if you don't feel like looking
•Baltimore's Celebrity Connections - Josh's spot on Baltimore's Hall of Fame.
•IMDb Josh Charles -
The Internet Movie Database entry for Josh Charles
•Josh Charles TV Schedule
•Pie in the Sky Homepage -
The official site for a movie Josh starred in
•Crossworlds -
a thing on another movie Josh was in
[Main | Site News | Gale Hansen | Josh Charles | Reviews | Pictures]